My name is Tane Yan. I am 24, I live in Mandalay and I am a taxi driver. But for more than two years, like many other young people, I have not been able to work. Our dreams have been destroyed.
Despite the challenges, I have helped our communities in the fight against COVID. It was not an easy decision and I had to endure many difficulties, but I did try as much as I could. Sometimes people misjudge us, thinking we are not doing anything or not doing enough. But I am doing what I can.
Sometimes I am depressed, but I try to pull myself together. I tell myself I have to struggle to survive in difficult times, and also, I live with my family comfortably while other young people who are less well off, who are uncomfortable and tired, are being resilient about this situation. So, I tell myself that there is no reason to be depressed and I have to do what I can. With this mindset, I fight back my depression.
Moreover, I am strongly interested in being a volunteer so, since the first wave of COVID, I worked as a volunteer in an organization which tried its best to provide care for people. In the first wave I couldn’t go home because my neighbours didn’t let me. I had to live alone. But I worked as a volunteer until the third wave. Our organization tried to get as many oxygen cylinders as possible and overcame various obstacles to get them to those who needed them.
I want to help people more and more. In our organization, everyone is helping, respecting, encouraging and taking care of each other like real sisters and brothers. Because of this, I can overcome many difficulties, pull myself together and rebuild myself.
I want to console my fellow young people who may be depressed like me and tell them to stay strong and take care of their own mental and physical health.